Message sent from:

St Peter ChanelCatholic Primary School

Inspire, Challenge & Empower so through Christ we make a difference

SEN Statement

The information in this report complies with:

Section 69 (2) of the children and families act 2014

Regulation 51 and schedule 1 of the special educational needs and disabilities regulations 2014

Paragraph 3 of schedule 10 to the equality act 2010

St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary School is committed to equality of opportunity for all children, regardless of any barriers to learning they may face. All stakeholders in the school will do everything necessary to eliminate discrimination of all kinds (see Equality Statement).

The school makes all reasonable adjustments to ensure all children, including those with SEN or Disabilities, can fully access the curriculum. This includes full wheelchair access and disabled toilets as well as targeted intervention and support to enable all children to access learning at their level. Individual children’s needs are assessed and adjustments or support are put in place in response to this (see School’s Accessibility Plans).

Differentiation is an expectation of all class teachers and this will take any form necessary to ensure equality in access to the curriculum. This is mirrored in provision at playtimes. See Teaching and Learning Policy.

Our admissions policy ensures that the school considers applications from parents of children who have SEN, but do not have a EHC plan, on the basis of the school’s published admissions criteria as part of the normal admissions procedure and does not refuse to admit a child who does not have an EHC plan because it does not feel able to cater for their needs. The school does not discriminate against anyone because of disabilities and will not refuse to accept a child based on any disability they may have (see Admissions Policy).

Local Offer SEN Provision

At St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary School we are dedicated to inspiring, challenging and empowering our children. We want to ensure that all children achieve well and are prepared well for a happy and fulfilling future. Class teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class and must set high expectations for every pupil.

Inclusion Register and the kinds of SEN provision provided


The Inclusion register is a key document in allowing class teachers, and all other professionals involved, to understand the individual needs of children in their class. Children on the Inclusion register for SEN are categorised into 3 stages, dependent on the level and type of support that they need additional to quality first teaching.

Stage on register What does this mean?
SEN support Special and/or different provision is necessary. This will be targeted through focused differentiation addressing different learning styles, modelling, questioning and high quality dialogue and interactions. At this level, the child is likely to be receiving interventions within the classroom and sometimes out of normal lessons.
SEN support plus An outside agency, such as an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist or Occupational Therapist, is also involved in providing support to help the child achieve. They will observe and carry out assessments with the child and write a report.
EHC plan This is a statutory document that outlines the further support that needs to be in place and how this will take place. This will give specific outcomes and recommendations for that child. The EHC is reviewed annually to ensure that it remains relevant and allows the child to make progress.

Identification and assessment of pupils with Special Educational Needs

St Peter Chanel strives to provide high quality education for all children regardless of their need and this means ensuring children with a range of SEND needs are catered for.

To help achieve the very best for each child, we endeavour to have a close relationship between home and school. When concerned about a child, teachers must ensure that they discuss these concerns with parents at the earliest opportunity.

All teachers meet with the school SENCo termly to discuss children identified as being on the SEN register. In this meeting, teachers are encouraged to discuss any other children they have concern about, in terms of identification of SEN. The school uses a document provided by the Local Authority to guide the conversation to ensure that the teachers have provided high quality first teaching and provided additional and different provision before suggesting there is a SEN. As part of the discussion further strategies are identified so the children’s needs are being met. This could include learning aids to enable children to achieve success in class, intervention groups or an appointment with a professional to seek advice about what measures to put in place.

In addition to this, teachers meet with the leadership team half termly for Pupil Progress meetings. This follows each half terms data capture and, as part of this process, information is analysed to identify any children who are not achieving in line with age related expectations. Where children are falling behind, this is discussed and provision is put in place. Again this may lead to an identification of SEN and the above steps are taken.

Parent meetings are held to discuss this with families to ensure they understand what it means to be identified as having an SEN. Where possible, families are informed of when their children are discussed at professionals meetings and the outcome of discussion.

Information about the school’s policies for making provision for pupils with special educational needs whether or not pupils have EHC Plans, including— (a)how the school evaluates the effectiveness of its provision for such pupils;

a) Data

Data is collected half-termly for all children and is analysed by the class teacher and Deputy Head Teacher. This allows us to discuss all children who are not meeting agerelated expectations and will include a discussion about the provision being provided for children with SEN.

Additionally, forensic monitoring takes place for every class each term. This allows the SENCo to triangulate the data with evidence from children’s books, learning walks and planning. This monitoring is then used by the SENCo and class teacher to structure a conversation about the SEN provision in the class and ensure that all children are achieving well.

Some children require additional 1:1 or small group work to provide an intervention (often for Speech and Language). Exit and entry data is collected for these interventions on a set template, allowing the SENCo to monitor the effectiveness of these.

b) Assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with SEN

Forensic monitoring and pupil progress meetings allow for a constant cycle of assess, plan, do, review. Staff are provided with high quality training which clearly outlines the expectations for provision of children with a SEN and supports class teachers and TA’s in planning and doing this. Where monitoring identifies that provision needs to be altered, clear targets are set and recorded by the SENCo (forensic monitoring) or SLT (pupil progress meetings).

For children with a high level of need, for whom multiple outside agency reports have been given, a provision plan is created. This identifies the child’s targets in their area of need and academically, and draws on information from reports, EHCP’s (where appropriate for the child) and the National Curriculum. The provision plan details the targets to be worked on and any specific information about resources or strategies to be used. These are displayed in class alongside a TA support timetable. As targets from the plan are addressed in class, these are evidenced and dated for assessment and review. Provision plans are updated termly and discussed in forensic monitoring with the class teacher.

On a termly basis, school reports are sent home with an English and Math’s target for the child. In addition to these academic targets, teachers give children on the Inclusion register for SEN a third target, which is specific to their area of need. For children on stage 2 or 3 of the Inclusion register, this target will be drawn from their EHC plan or an outside agency report (such as Speech and Language). All three targets given must be SMART, and are to be outlined on a target sheet with suggestions of how to support the child at home and details of how this is addressed in school. A copy of these target sheets, along with an annotated version of the previous terms targets, will be given to the SENCo for monitoring.

Smart Targets are those that are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timebound.

c) The school’s approach to teaching pupils with SEN

When a child is on the Inclusion register, they are monitored by the school SENCo to ensure their needs are being met. However, the progress of the child remains the responsibility of the class teacher and will be monitored regularly through pupil progress meetings with the Senior Leadership Team and forensic monitoring by the SENCo. The most important foundation and basis for effective teaching and learning for all is through quality teaching.

Class teachers are expected to ensure that their planning is differentiated to meet the needs of all children and all learning styles. There is a school expectation that all children access quality first teaching which uses concrete tools, frameworks, modelling and effective questioning to support children’s understanding and challenge their thinking. Pupil progress meetings and forensic monitoring support class teachers in planning for this. For further support in effective planning for Children with SEN, teachers can refer to our ‘SEN strategies’ booklet.

Teachers are encouraged to meet with parents as often as needed to work together for the child. Additional target sheets are sent home for Children with SEN on a termly basis, which detail what is happening in class and how parents can support their child. Where necessary, teachers arrange follow-up meetings with parents to allow them to work closely together on shared goals for the child.

Every teacher is responsible and accountable for all pupils in their class and, as such, are responsible for ensuring that adults working in the classroom are deployed effectively. Teachers are responsible for planning effective use of additional adults in and must ensure that teaching plans are accessible to all working in the classroom. In planning lessons, teachers will need to consider how and why additional adults are deployed to support the learning of children. There is a school expectation that additional adult time is planned and timetabled, and that this timetable is displayed in class.

d) How the school adapts the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with SEN

St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary School is committed to equality of opportunity for all children regardless of any barriers to learning they may face. All stakeholders in the school will do everything necessary to eliminate discrimination of all kinds. See Equality Statement.

The school makes all reasonable adjustments to ensure all children, including those with SEN or Disabilities, can fully access the curriculum. This includes full wheelchair access and disabled toilets as well as targeted intervention and support to enable all children to access learning at their level. Individual children’s needs are assessed and adjustments or support are put in place in response to this. Classroom environments are adapted where needed with specialist equipment such as writing slopes, overlays, orthopaedic chairs and individual tables. See School’s Accessibility Plans. Every class has a handy helper’s box which includes tools to support all children; spelling guides, timers, pencil grips and fiddle toys. These are in place to support class teachers and to encourage independence in children, who can take items from the box as and when needed.

Differentiation through quality first teaching is an expectation of all class teachers and this will take any form necessary to ensure equality in access to the curriculum. This is mirrored in provision at playtimes. When needed, individual children with a high level of need are supported at playtimes to ensure that they are safe and happy. See Teaching and Learning Policy.

Our admissions policy ensures that the school considers applications from parents of children who have SEN but do not have a EHC plan on the basis of the school’s published admissions criteria as part of the normal admissions procedure and does not refuse to admit a child who does not have an EHC plan because it does not feel able to cater for their needs. The school does not discriminate against anyone because of disabilities and will not refuse to accept a child based on any disability they may have. See Admissions Policy.

e) Additional support for learning that is available to pupils with SEN

Children at Stage 2 or 3 of the SEN register will have reports from an outside agency which will outline a child’s needs and give recommendations for their provision. All teachers and support staff who work with the pupil should be made aware of their needs, the outcomes sought, the support provided and any teaching strategies or approached that are required.1 For children with a high level of need, this information is detailed on the individual child’s provision plan. Reports shared with the teacher and TA are to be actioned and filed in the class SEN file. This file is to be referred to in planning for children with SEN and must be updated regularly.

Where a child has a one-to-one TA, the class teacher is responsible for ensuring that a timetable of support is in place and adhered to. This timetable should be planned using recommendations from outside agencies, the child’s targets and (when on stage 3) the child’s EHC outcomes. The SENCo will monitor these timetables regularly alongside the class teacher.

Where necessary, advice can be sought from a range of professionals including, but not exclusively, educational psychologists, autism advisory service and speech and language. Termly meetings are held with the Early Intervention Team (EIT) and the Speech and Language Therapist (SALT) to discuss children known to them and monitor their progress.

f) How the school enables pupils with SEN to engage in the activities of the school (including physical activities) together with children who do not have SEN

The school puts in place whatever necessary in order to enable children to engage in all school activities. This includes involving parents in discussion about how to enable inclusion. Such measures have included (but is not exclusive to) small groups being taken by minibus to trips, 1:1 provided to enable children to join in extra-curricular clubs, use of wheel chairs for longer journeys, additional adults to support children in class and on the playground and arrangements to visit a sensory room at another setting.

The school expectation is that all children are ‘visible’ in school displays, assemblies and special events and that provision is made so that all children can take part and be successful at their level.

g) Support that is available for improving the emotional, mental and social development of pupils with special educational needs.

The school provides therapeutic intervention for children, including draw and talk, using a trained specialist teacher on the EIT team. The school employs a Learning support mentor who works with children to support their learning and carry out social skills and emotional intervention. Where appropriate, the school can make referrals to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) for further advice and support. Where it is known that there is mental health in the child’s family, a referral can be made to the Family Wellbeing Team. PSHE is taught weekly in every class and covers topics such as health, news and personal safety at an age appropriate level. Circle time is held when necessary to address current issues that may worry children. Again, this is only where age appropriate.

In relation to mainstream schools and maintained nursery schools, the name and contact details of the SEN co-ordinator.

At St Peter Chanel the SENCo is Angela Molloy, contactable at the school on 0208 302 6029, admin@st-peterchanel.bexley.sch.uk.

Information about the expertise and training of staff in relation to children and young people with special educational needs and about how specialist expertise will be secured.

All staff are trained regularly and the SEN Code of Practice 2014 and National Curriculum 2015 have been shared. Staff are encouraged to share resources and information acquired through training and meetings with outside agencies. The SENCo meets termly with the EIT and SALT, and also attends termly networking meetings held by the LA. The following training has been provided to all staff around SEN over the past two years:

  • Visibility of SEN
  • Planning for SEN and the use of tools
  • The use of outside agency reports
  • The New Curriculum and the role of the TA
  • Bexley SEN guidance
  • Quality first teaching and the use of additional adults

The school has assigned a teaching assistant to run speech and language interventions. As such, this TA has received training from the SALT on how to use speech and language reports to effectively plan and deliver interventions. The TA attends the termly SALT planning meetings to ensure that the provision provided is effective.

A school nurse is available to support children with medical needs and has also provided bereavement counselling. Yearly training is provided to all teaching staff on specific medical needs including: allergies and epi-pens, asthma, sickle cell and epilepsy.

Where children have specific medical needs, the school seeks support from the school nurse and/ or hospital staff and adds this advice to the schools medical needs book which is available to all staff. Where necessary, photo posters are created and displayed for individual children. These show the appropriate care plan for the child and ensure that this information can be found and used promptly if needed.

Parents are met with as and when needed to seek the most up-to-date information about the needs of children so that we can best support them.

Information about how equipment and facilities to support children and young people with special educational needs will be secured.

The school will provide what children need in order to make progress to the best of its ability. Where this is not available on site we will seek to either buy, borrow or arrange use at another school. This includes but is not limited to: orthopedic chairs, writing slopes, special writing equipment, overlays, fiddle toys and sensory toys. The school is DDA compliant and all new building work takes into consideration the needs of people with a SEND.

The arrangements for consulting parents of children with special educational needs about, and involving such parents in, the education of their child.

Where concerns about a child arise, parents are met with at the earliest possible opportunity to discuss how the child can be supported. Where necessary, the SENCo will attend this meeting to discuss actions that can be taken. If the decision is made to add children to the Inclusion register for SEN, then parents are met with to explain this.

Information about the child’s needs are written on the termly reports that are sent home and a target sheet is provided for all Children with SEN. For those children with an EHCP, Individual Education Plans (IEP) are sent home detailing how provision is provided in the classroom and setting clear targets to be worked on at both home and school. Both target sheets and IEP’s are shared with parents at parent’s evenings.

For children with an EHCP, a yearly annual review is held with parents, SENCo and, where possible, key professionals. The child’s parents, class teacher and any additional adults working with the child complete a report which details the child’s progress. The outcomes set on the EHCP are reviewed and, where appropriate, new outcomes are suggested. This meeting also provides parents with the opportunity to raise any questions or concerns about the child’s provision or school placement. Any necessary changes will be made to the EHCP as part of this meeting so that this document always reflects the needs of the child.

Throughout the year, all parents are encouraged to meet with teachers, SENCO and SLT where concerns for children arise and follow up meetings are always booked in to review the impact of discussion.

The arrangements for consulting young people with special educational needs about, and involving them in, their education.

As part of the EHCP application process and the annual review, the child’s views on their learning and school life are actively sought. Where a child is unable to express their views in writing, they are collected through an adult scribing or as pictures.

As part of the termly forensic monitoring process, pupil voice is heard. This provides the opportunity for children to share their views on their education. This is fed back to the class teacher and, where necessary, adaptations are made.

The school has a number of student bodies including a school council, learning council and star climbers. Children with SEN are represented on all student bodies and every effort is made to encourage all children to take part in wider school responsibilities such as choir and after-school clubs.

On a yearly basis, all pupils in the school take part in a pupil questionnaire. The responses to this are analysed and discussed by the SLT and then school staff. Pupil views are considered carefully and any necessary changes are made.

For vulnerable children, specific conferencing is held with an adult to ascertain their views or help them to self-monitor their behaviour and choices. Where appropriate, the child’s concerns are shared with the class teacher so that provision can be made or adapted.

Any arrangements made by the governing body or the proprietor relating to the treatment of complaints from parents of pupils with special educational needs concerning the provision made at the school.

Complaints by parents are always taken seriously by school and fully investigated. Where required parents are advised to follow the complaints procedure, found on the school website.

How the governing body involves other bodies, including health and social services bodies, local authority support services and voluntary organisations, in meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and in supporting the families of such pupils

The school works closely with a range of professionals including the EIT, SALT and school nurse, both with regards to health care and training and safeguarding.

Where additional support is required to support a family, the school refers them to the appropriate service within the LA, including family well-being service, children’s social care. The school makes use of a range of services as identified in the Bexley Local Offer.

The contact details of support services for the parents of pupils with special educational needs, including those for arrangements made in accordance with section 32.

Bexley SEN team sendenquiries@bexley.gov.uk 020 8303 7777
Early Intervention Team earlyintervention.team@bexley.gov 020 8303 7777
Speech and Language oxl-tr.BexleySCS-SPA@nhs.net  
CAHMS   0203 260 5200
Educational psychologist – Sarah Leck sarah.leck@bexley.gov.uk  
Autism Advisory Service oxl-tr.slt-admin@nhs.net 01322 521330
Case Officer – Megan Cox megan.cox@bexley.gov.uk 0203 045 4385
Specialist hearing impairment team oxl-tr.slt-admin@nhs.net  
Sensory support team sensorysupportteam@bexley.gov.uk 020 3045 5334
Occupational therapy screeners@bexley.gov.uk 020 8303 7777
SEND information and advice support service iass@bexleysnap.org.uk 020 8320 1490
Bexley Traveller Education Service   20 03 7777

The school’s arrangements for supporting pupils with special educational needs in a transfer between phases of education or in preparation for adulthood and independent living.

During transition times from Pre-School to school and Year 6 to Year 7, the SENCo meets with the appropriate school staff to discuss the needs of the child and share advice. For children in Year 6 with an EHCP, the SENCo of their new school is invited to their annual review. Where appropriate, transition days are arranged to allow Year 6 children to familarise themselves with their secondary school. The school also uses a transition booklet to help prepare vulnerable children for the demands of secondary school such as; changing classrooms, travelling independently and making friends.

For children entering Reception, the Pre-School SENCo will meet with the school SENCo to discuss the child’s needs. A home visit will occur before they enter reception to allow parents to share any important information and for the child’s needs to be discussed in depth. A transition day and staggered entry into Reception of six children a day, ensures that the child is allowed time to adapt to a new setting and adults can get to know them gradually.

At the end of every academic year, class teachers meet to hand on information to the next year group. This allows the new teacher to familarise themselves with the individual needs of the class and prepare any necessary provisions.

When children move schools, any assessment data and important information is passed on to the new school. The head teacher, SENCo and class teacher are also available for the new school to contact with any information needed. Similarly, when children join the school, the previous SENCo will be contacted where additional information or advice is needed.

Disabled Pupils

As school we believe in inclusion for all children and are committed to all children accessing learning tailored to their needs. We meet with parents of children with any disablity that might present as a barrier to their education and make all the necessary adjustments to remove these as far as possible. Admissions arrangements are the same for children with disabilites and children as we do not discriminate. Details of this can be found in our admission policy.

Our school has zero-tolerance to any form of discrimination and therefore children with disabilities will not be treated less-favourably. Any reports of bullying or discrimanatory behaviour  by children or adults will be taken seriously and investigated thouroughly with action taken as appropriate. As part of our curriculum we actively teach children to celebrate differences and show our school values to everyone, behaving as Jesus did.

We  recognise that all children have different needs and we will ensure advice is sought from professionals to support us in delivering the highest level of learning. This might include, but is not limited to, Hearing Impairment Teachers, Occupational Therapist, Educational Psychologists and Speech and Langauge Therapists.

The school architecture and design has been tailored to meet the needs of all our children.  The school has flat access into each room and the school occupies one floor.  Internal doors are all one meter wide with each corridor 2.9m wide to enable free movement of wheelchair users. There are two disabled toilets sited around the building (including disabled toilets for adults/ visitors).  The building and site comply with the requirements of the Equalities Act 2010 (Accessibility Plan).

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