SELCAT Governance
As a SELCAT school responsibilities are delegated by the trustees. For further details of SELCAT governance follow the following links:
Declaration of Business Interests:
SPC Governance
St Peter Chanel has a team of Governors who take an active role in supporting the School’s efforts to improve and maintain the highest possible educational standards. Working alongside the Head Teacher we oversee the success of the school, agree priorities, monitor and evaluate performance. Between us, we come from varied professional backgrounds so have a good mixture of expertise and skills.
What do we do?
We are responsible for upholding the Catholic ethos of the school, setting the strategic direction of the school, for over-seeing the curriculum taught and approving the budget.
The Head Teacher (who is also a Governor) makes the day to day decisions about the running of the school.
The Government and Ofsted have high expectations of Governing Bodies and Leadership. When inspected, Ofsted will evaluate how effectively governors challenge and hold senior leaders to account for all aspects of the school’s performance and how they ensure financial probity.
How do we achieve this?
Much of our work is conducted at half termly meetings. At each meeting we receive a report from the headtecaher with supporting documentation so we are kept informed of the progerss the school is making ove the year.
Our responsibilities include:
- Having an input into, and reviewing, the School Development Plan and Self Evaluation Form.
- Helping and supporting the Senior Leadership Team with their aims, policies and priorities for the school.
- Assisting with the recruitment of all staff and monitoring levels of staff retention.
- We help our Senior Leadership Team make decisions on our school’s budget
- Monitoring and evaluating the work of the school and pupil attainment.
- Challenging weaknesses and underperformance.
- Reviewing progress against the school’s School Development Plan.
- Monitoring levels of attendance and good standards of pupil behaviour.
This is one of our main responsibilities where we monitor any incidents that are regarded as a Safeguarding issue. The Chair of Governors, Mrs P Woodcocki, is the Safeguarding Governor and has regular contact with the Head Teacher regarding Safeguarding. She meets with the Head Teacher once a term to discuss any issues that have arisen.
Additionally, Governors regularly visit the school so that we know and understand what is going on, and the effect of the decisions we make. Governors carry out a learning walk once a term to see first-hand the work that is being done in the school. They have the opportunity on these learning walks to talk to pupils about their work, look at books and monitor the behaviour of children across the school. They feed back to Senior Leaders at the end of their visits.
Governors Special Interest:
Each Governor is has an area they have a special interest in. These include: Safegauding, SEN, Catholic Life of the Scool, Curriculum, Health and Safety, Sustainability and Finance.
Minutes of Governor meetings can be viewed on request. Please speak to the school office.
Types of Governors explained:
• Foundation Governors: appointed by the Diocese of Southwark.
• Parent Governors: elected onto the governing body by other parents from the school, and are parents of children in attendance at the school.
• Staff Governors: elected onto the governing body by staff at the school.
Governors 2023-24
Type of Governor/ Who appointed them |
Term of Office |
Role within Governing Body and relevent infomation |
Pecuniary and Non-pecuniary Interests |
Ms P Slonecki | Foundation | 21/10/2020-20/10/2024 |
Chair of Governors Chair of Curriculum and Staffing Education Consultant |
None |
Father Allan MacDonald |
Foundation | 1/1/23-1/1/27 | Pastoral support | None |
Father Paul Kyne | Foundation | 29/03/2021-28/03/2025 |
Pastoral Support Pastoral support in Christ the King |
None |
Mr A Davies |
Ex Officio |
01/09/24- present |
Head Teacher |
Employee |
Mr D Evans |
Foundation |
07/07/2021-06/07/2025 |
Committee member Headteacher at St Columba's |
None |
Mr B Isenberg |
Co-opted |
29/11/22-29/11/26 |
Chaire of Resources Committee |
None |
Mrs C Griffin |
Staff |
30/04/2020-30/04/2024 |
Deputy Head Teacher |
Employee |
Mr Gange |
Parent |
01/12/21-01/12/2025 |
Two children in the school |
None |
Mrs Woodcock |
Foundation | 1/1/2022- 1/1/2026 | Commitee member Works at St Catherine's | None |
Vacancy | Foundation x 2 |
Clerk to Governors: Valerie Churchil
Contact via email at :
If you are thinking of becoming a governor or keen to find out more please see the Governors' Induction Pack below to read our welcome brief or contact Pat Slonecki by email via the school :-
Governors' Attendance 2022-23