Learning in Reception
In Reception class we start the year getting to know each other and settling into school life and routines. We do our Baseline assessment too.
Then we begin learning phonics, reading, writing maths and other subject areas which are given in more detail below.

Curriculum Overviews
We have 2 phonics sessions each day. During the first we introduce the sound we will be learning. We sing songs and do actions to help children remember and have a way to recall sounds. We watch short phonics videos.
In the second session we use whiteboards to have a go at listening to sounds and writing words.
We start with Little Wandle phase 2 in the Autumn term, moving onto Phase 3 after the Christmas holiday.

Literacy development.
We work from The Literacy Curriculum scheme of work with some small changes of text to better suit our Reception planning.
Each half term we have 3 texts which suit the topic. Children work as a class and in small groups with an adult with learning objectives dierctly from the scheme.
Writing and other learning opportunities are included around the classroom. This is always in the writing area, but also small work, water tray, role play etc.

Communication Language and Literacy
These activities help children to develop their concentration. Children have lots of opportunity to develop their speech and language. This may be in activities such as role play in a home corner, doctors surgery or shop, small world castle or dolls house etc.
There are always dressing up hats, scarves and other items to further encourage talk through play.
We have regular stories in class and children are encouraged to join in. We have weekly singing sessions with Year 1 & 2 as well as lots of singing as a class.
These activities help children to develop concentration, attention and listening skills as well as having confidence to join in.

In Maths we follow the My Mastery scheme of work. Below is the list of units we cover in Reception. This scheme has lots of practical activities and models the language we know is so important for children to learn and understand these areas of learning.
We have daily maths carpet sessions, adult focus activities and a dedicated Maths Area of learning in class.
The Maths area enables children to work independently to reinforce their learning, children have access to resources and there is a Talking Peg that explains the activity.
Examples of My Mastery lessons can be seen at Oak Academy. Please find the link below.

Understanding the World
This area of learning enables us to explore the outside area and observe how it changes over time. We go outside with binoculars, magnifiers etc to mke and record what we see.
We also think about families, what they are like, and how ours may be different from other people's.
We think about things that we have done with our family and listen to other people sharing their experiences.
We use information books and Google maps to learn about the world.

EAD - Expressive Arts and Design
We have lots of activities for children to explore their creativity and to make.
Inside the classroom we have the paper table where the children can choose resources or are given a guided activity to make.
We use the carpet for our selection of constuction games.
The painting table may be a variety of activities from painting on paper, printing, messy play in a tough spot, flour or sand to practise fine motor skills or 'draw'. The children can also play in the role play area and small world activities.
Outside in the Reception Garden children can paint at the easel, use the big construction equipment, draw on paper or chalk boards and role play in the home corner and small world activities.

Physical Development
In Reception we do lots of activities to help children develop their fine motor skills. This is important to support their early writing as well as things like getting changed for PE with things like buttons and turning clothes in the right way around to get changed back into uniform.

We follow the Val Sabin scheme of work for our PE lessons.
Autumn Term - Dance
Spring Term - Gym
Summer Term - Games
We also make good use of the school field for running and games.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Coming to school and learning to work with others can be a big change for lots of children, especially post COVID.
Adults model appropriate behaiour in class and we regularly have circle time and discuss things through social stories. This is a visual and easy way to show children appropriate behaviour in school, what happened in certain situations or interactions and that there are consequences for making bad decisions.
We learn about our feelings and the feelings of other people and that our actions affect others. We think abut why there are rules and work together to make sure that everybody in class is okay.
We do lots of activities to give the children opportunities to explore this.