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St Peter ChanelCatholic Primary School

Inspire, Challenge & Empower so through Christ we make a difference


Admissions Arrangements

For a place at our Pre-school, please apply through the school office. Parents should ask for a Pre-school application form.

For a place in our Reception class for a September start, apply through the formal admissions process through the Local Authority you live. You must also ensure you have filled in a Certificate of Catholic Practice and hand this into the school office before the deadline.

For in-year admissions for any year group, please apply through the school office. We hold our own waiting list so if there are no places in your preferred year group, we will keep your information on file and contact you if a place becomes available. On the rare occasion we have multiple children apply for the same space, we will follow our published over-subscription criteria. This is detailed in the admissions policy.

For further information regarding Primary school applications in Bexley for 2025-2026, please see the Bexley admissions booklet here. Please note this information is for Bexley residents only.


The Certificate of Catholic Practice

If you are practising Catholics, you should collect the Certificate of Catholic Practice from your parish priest or an appropriate representative of the parish. It should be stamped and signed by your parish priest before submitting to the school. At school, the original, signed and stamped certificate can be presented. The school will to retain a photocopy and hand back the original.

Certificate of Catholic Practice
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