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St Peter ChanelCatholic Primary School

Inspire, Challenge & Empower so through Christ we make a difference

Remote Learning


Laptop Loan

We have a number of laptops at the school and are able to loan these  to families if they are home-learning and are unable to access online learning.  We have a signing out system which includes a Conduct Agreement.  The laptops will need to be collected from the school and returned on the day the child returns to school. 


There is still an expectation that schools have a facility for home learning, as, like during the pandemic, there may be children who cannot access school and will require online tuition. This may be as a result of school closures, eg snow, or because an individual requires a long period of absence eg an operation with recovery time. In these situations the children should have access to online teaching to enable them to access high quality teaching so they don't fall behind. 

As a school we make this available to parents as required using email and google classroom. All children have log-in information which is provided to them and work is uploaded for them to work through. They are also given resources online such as the Oaks National Academy, Whote Rose Maths and BBC Bitesize.

Daily Expectations

Children should try to work through all tasks given by the teacher but we are aware that there may be reasons why this is not possible, for example if the child is absent for medical reasons. Expectations will be discussed on a case by case basis, taking into cnsieratiopn for the reason remote leanring is required.

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