Infection control
All this guidance has now been withdrawn. We move to a standard risk assessment for all infection control. Please see below.
Covid 19
This is a very challenging time for us all and the way we have to work as a school is very different. We have worked very hard to ensure we continue to deliver the highest quality education in these very difficult circumstances. As a school we are reading all the guidance produced, keeping up to date with all the changes as they happen. We will keep our staff, families and children updated regularly to ensure we can all make the necessary plans and preparations. Thank you all for your support throughout. Through working together, we will get through this!
Most Up To Date Risk Assessments
Home Learning Statement
During this pandemic there will be times when children need to stay at home even though they may feel well enough to attend. This is because they are showing one or more of the main symptoms for Covid. These are: a temperature, new, persistent cough or a loss of sense of taste or smell. If this is the case, children will need to be off school until theyare tested. During this time they will be expected to complete home learning.
Laptop Loan
We have managed to secure 20 laptops to loan to families if they are home-learning or self-isolating to support children in accessing our online learning. This is available for all families with priority given to families who are entitled to Pupil Premium Funding. We have a signing out system which includes a Conduct Agreement. All families will be notified of this offer on the first day of isolation. The laptops will need to be collected from the school and returned on the day the child returns to school. In the event of a wider lockdown, either class or school wide, we would have to work on a priority system but we will let you know the details of this if it becomes necessary.
Free School Meals
We are now offering vouchers for a choice of supermarkets for our families who are required to either not be in school due to closures or are self-isolating who are entitled to Free School Meals. Following the notification you will be sent a voucher to cover the cost of meals on a week by week basis. Most children are back to school within one week and will then resume receiving their meal at school. We have chosen this option because they offer a delivery service for familiies who are unable to leave their house and we felt this would be preferable to providing food parcels for collection. Following a survey, the majoirty of families said they preferred this option.
Change In Circumstances
If your circumstances have changed and you would like to check your child's eligibilty for Free School Meals, please contact the school office.
DB Primary
The majority of our home learning information is on DB Primary our virtual learning environment. Every parent and child has log-in information for this (it is the same as your SchoolPing). The children use Db Primary in school so should be able to access the learning. However some families have reported difficulties in being able to find the information so we have created a number of guidance sheets and videos to support you and your children in being able to access this. The work can either be done on a computer, laptop, tablet or on paper. It can either be attached to an email and sent to the teacher, uploaded as a document to their individual or class page or recorded on paper and brought into school when the child returns.
Daily Expectations
We know many families are finding home learning diffiuclt for a number of reasons and we do not want to put any unnecessary pressure on you all. However it is important that the children do work hard at home so they do not fall behind in their learning. We feel we have come up with a good balance for them. On the Home Learning page there is an English and Maths lesson for each day for every year group, each class has a tab. There are also tabs with additional activities and support for parents. On top of this all classes have additional activities on their class pages for specific revision. All children also have log-in information for a number of learning apps designed to further their learning in a fun way: RM Easimaths, TimesTable Rockstars, Reading Eggs, Letterjoin, Spelling Shed and PurpleMash. On top of this, from this week we have purchased every child a pack of revision books that can be collected from school to work through if your child is self-isolating. This is particularly useful if access to the internet may be limited. These should be returned to school following the absence as they are also used as part of class-based learning. This provides a wide range of opportunities to allow children to do as little as the Maths and English lesson each day up to as much as they like.
Should the school close again, home learning will follow the currciulum addressing the same topics and themes as they would if they were in school. There will be at least three hours of learning in KS1 and four hours in KS2. The teachers will deliver lessons by either: pre-recording inputs for the children to play, use videos and presentations provided by DfE approved sources or through providing instruction and modelling by recording their flipcharts. We will also be meeting children through Zoom, in small groups, once a week. Teachers will collate, mark and asses work and will provide feedback through e-mail, stickers, teachers response on work or on contribution pages. Each class teacher will send to families a letter to set out what home learning will look like for the class and their expecations. Class teachers will call or email families regularly to find out how children are geting on and to follow up when work in incomplete. If families have any worried they can either email the teacher using Db or call the school to talk to the class tecaher or Mrs Gower.